March is Aversion month. Turn off those cravings, chocolate, sugar, alcohol, sweets, cakes, cigarettes, vapes From £40 Learn more 

Hello and welcome

Lesley Ford

Hi there and thank you for visiting my site.

Hello and welcome click here for a short video from me 

My name is Lesley Ford and I came into the Holistic therapy world in the late 1990’s when I was suffering from ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and had a period of 2 years having to go shopping in a wheelchair. I had no energy to walk long distances, and my GP told me that there was no specific treatments for this condition. My only option for my condition was anti-depressants. Unhappy with that option, I started to investigate how I could help myself recover.

About My Journey

I suffered from panic attacks, migraines, very little or low energy, and attention deficit.

I understand how it feels to be only able to focus on looking at pictures – no text. Eventually I visited a homeopath and he took a ‘full case’ history and my recovery started.

About My Recovery

Each small step was attributed to homeopathy.

I decided to look for a short course to help my young family whenever they became ill.

I trained and qualified in 2005. I then went on to do my Post Graduate qualification for another 2 years.

My Company

Phoenix Holistic Health UK Ltd was set up in December 2019. I have now added many other healing modalities to my toolkit. Clinical Hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programing Master Practitioner) CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) to aid in the wonders of healing.

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist maninly now, I help individuals retrain their thoughts. Put simply, our minds are made of two parts, the conscious and the sub-conscious or unconscious. 

Our un-conscious actually over-rides our conscious minds. This can be the reason people find themselves self-sabotaging their efforts on a daily basis.

Unconscious sabotage

A good example of self-sabotage that I use is when we go on a diet. We tend to do well on it for about 6 weeks or so. Then when we can actually start to see a difference in our body shape, we make short cuts on the diet and don’t stick to the rules.

This is self-sabotaging. Deep down you may have a belief that is stopping you attain what your conscious state wants. This is a belief that has been there for possibly many years.

In my sessions, I empower you how to CHANGE this belief and I use practices I have learnt over many years such as NLP, CBT, EFT, Homeopathy and Hypnotherapy and this adds to finding out why we behave in the ways we do. It gives you an understanding as to why you have been behaving like you have.

Some people may have experience this for many years and it is not uncommon for these ways to go back to childhood.

Booking and prices

All services start at £99 per session (some go over the usual one hour at no extra charge) and discounted packages and bursaries are available, please ask for details.

My Aim

My company's aim is to bring individuals to their best optimum health, through the therapies offered. And in doing so, give something back to the local community for those that might not be able to afford treatment*.

Local charities are welcome to contact for preferential rates or support.

*Subject to the practitioner’s decision.

I am registered with The Association of Natural Medicine (ANM) and the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) and I practice in accordance with a Code of Ethics.

I hold professional insurance, and have passed stringent academic and clinical assessments before being admitted to the relevant Registers.

Contact Information

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